Tips to Improve Your Body Image This Summer

It’s no surprise that body image and eating disorders or disordered eating habits go hand-in-hand. Actions like restricting calories, binging, and purging are often directly tied to thoughts and feelings about your body. Furthermore, your body image plays an important role in your self-worth and self-esteem. Negative body image can even lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. 

As summer begins, body image is front of mind for many of us. Fortunately, with proper guidance, you can achieve a healthier view of self. 

In today’s blog post, let’s consider five tips to improve your body image this summer. 

1. Practice gratitude.

An attitude of gratitude will change your life. For the next few weeks, focus your gratitude journal on qualities that you like about yourself — attributes that have nothing to do with your body! Think about your creativity, your compassion, or your cooking skills. Focusing on positive traits will naturally move your thoughts away from your negative body image.

2. Adopt a self-care routine.

On a similar note, treat your body like someone you love. Take an evening walk around your neighborhood or soak in a warm bath before bed. Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good. Put on your favorite song and dance! If you’re gentle and compassionate with yourself, you’ll be better able to combat days filled with negative thoughts and self-criticism.

3. Create a positive social circle.

It’s true what they say: You’re a reflection of the people you spend the most time with. Build up your relationships with encouraging, loving, and body positive people as you move away from toxic friends and family members. In other words, share your light with those individuals who make you feel happy and free.

4. Clean up your social media feed.

It’s important that your positive environment extends to your social media channels as well. The next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling and falling into the comparison trap, remember that you’re in control of your online space! If an influencer or an account is no longer serving you, it’s okay to unfollow them. Take note of how you feel when you take in their content and let that feeling guide you.

5. Bring positive affirmations into your daily mindfulness routine.

Your thoughts carry more power than you think! Grab your journal and write down all the things you love about your body or how much it has accomplished. Better yet, grab a Post-It note and stick it to your kitchen cabinet or computer screen! It can be something as simple as My arms are strong or something as profound as My legs carried me through the most challenging moment of my life.

This mindset shift allows you to focus on your good attributes rather than the ways you may think you fall short. Take deep breaths as you repeat the affirmations to yourself each day, and you’ll truly start to believe them.

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS-S, today to schedule an appointment!

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