Let's Celebrate Mental Health Month!

Thanks to Mental Health America, we have celebrated Mental Health Month in May since 1949. The goal of this month is to encourage everyone to recognize the importance of their mental health. This year, the theme is Look Around, Look Within, emphasizing the ways that our surroundings — everything from secure housing, healthy social connections, and safe neighborhoods — impact our mental health.

I want to encourage you to check-in with yourself this month. Take this opportunity to learn more, seek help, and connect with others as we all work together to raise awareness and take action when it comes to mental health.

Now, let’s consider five ways to celebrate Mental Health Month.

1. Develop a self-care routine.

It’s not the first time I’ve mentioned the importance of self-care — and it won’t be the last! A self-care routine gives you a chance to focus on your mental health each and every day. Whether you take a 15-minute walk around your neighborhood after dinner, listen to a mental health podcast while you fold laundry, or curl up with your favorite blanket and a book, make time to take care of yourself. 

Need some more ideas? Check out this blog post for inspiration for your self-care routine!

2. Commit to a meditation practice.

You may be intimidated by the idea of meditating, assuming that it’s too challenging or even too boring. Fortunately, there are easy ways to incorporate mindfulness into your self-care routine. Check out apps like Headspace, Calm, or Breathe to find some introductory practices. Make an effort to show up for yourself for the next 30 days, and you’ll be amazed at the impact of this simple act.

3. Volunteer.

Another great way to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month is to give your time or talents to a local mental health organization or loved one in need. You can advocate for suicide prevention, answers calls or texts on a hotline, or make a meal for someone struggling. Find a cause that matters to you, and enjoy the chance to make a difference! 

Additionally, you can donate money to a nonprofit organization that focuses on mental health. Here are a few options to consider:

4. Find a therapist.

Remember that it’s always okay to seek help. A therapist can give you valuable guidance, help you heal from trauma, and offer you support and guidance, ultimately allowing you to better understand yourself and create a life you love. If the first therapist you find isn’t the perfect fit, try, try again! You won’t mesh with everyone, and that’s okay.

5. Share your story!

The best way to break the stigma surrounding mental health is to speak out. You can start by sharing your personal experiences, whether by word-of-mouth, on your website, or on your social media channels. 

You can also share mental health resources with your friends, family, and social media followers. Even if you help just one person get the help they need, it’ll be worth the effort. 

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS-S, today to schedule an appointment!

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