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Five Ways to Practice Gratitude

As we head into Thanksgiving and the holiday season, it’s normal to feel a jumble of emotions: excitement and joy, anticipation and exhaustion, even stress and sadness. Practicing gratitude is proven to be a great way to boost your mood and ease some of those holiday blues. It can shift your perspective by creating more positive emotions, ultimately improving your attitude. Even better, studies show that this habit is strongly correlated with increased happiness, decreased anxiety, and better overall health.

How to Incorporate Gratitude Into Your Day

Here are five ways that you can express gratitude throughout the holiday season — and all year long!

  1. Keep a gratitude journal: Try to get in the habit of writing in a journal every day or every few days, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life, and jot down the names of the people who matter most to you. If you need some encouragement, there are a variety of prompts online to help get you started! 

  2. Share your gratitude with your loved ones: Research shows that expressing your gratitude with your friends and family can actually strengthen your relationships. There are so many ways to do so this season: send a kind card, give a thoughtful gift, or simply tell your loved one how you feel, just to name a few. If you want to incorporate the whole family, go around the dinner table and allow each person to say something or someone that they are thankful for. 

  3. Donate to a worthy cause: Donating is an excellent way to express gratitude. Keep in mind that donating doesn’t only mean giving money to charities. Going through your closet and sorting old clothes for Goodwill; giving a forgotten toy or two to a neighbor; giving blood; or volunteering are all great examples of donating both things and time. As you’re donating, reflect on the impact your efforts will have. If you’re giving away a physical item, take a few moments to be grateful for how it once served you. 

  4. Pay attention: Expressing gratitude isn’t just for the most important people or things in your life. Learning to notice the simple beauty around you can boost your mood and increase your overall happiness too. Try taking a walk and using your senses: See the colorful leaves. Hear the birds chirping. Feel the warm sunshine and crisp air. Smell a neighbor’s backyard cookout. Remind yourself how grateful you are to be experiencing each and every day! 

  5. Compliment others: A genuine compliment is a great way to share your gratitude with others. Giving compliments can boost not only their mood but yours as well! Aim to give out one compliment a day, whether it be to a family member, a coworker, or even a barista. Let them know that they made your day just a little bit brighter with their kind words or friendly smile.

Make an effort to incorporate gratitude into your life throughout the coming months and bring attention to how it makes you feel. You might be surprised by how simple acts of thankfulness can boost your mood and have lasting positive effects. With a little dedication, you may even want to extend your practice into the new year.

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS, today to schedule an appointment!