Finding Balance and Joy During the Holidays

Balance and joy often go hand-in-hand. It’s that inner sense of calm amidst the outer chaos that helps you feel content. These feelings are sometimes difficult to maintain during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season though. After all, how can you feel at ease when there’s always one more gift to buy or one more holiday party to attend?

With that thought in mind, I want to share five ways to find balance and joy during the holiday season.

1. Keep your expectations in check.

It’s true what they say: Comparison is the thief of joy. Instead of focusing on what the holidays should look like or how you should feel, live in the moment and enjoy your life just as it is. Social media can be particularly challenging this time of year, but remember that your feed is just a highlight reel. No one’s holiday decor and family gatherings are that perfect.

2. Don’t assume the worst.

Alternately, don’t set your expectations too low. It’s easy to feel so overwhelmed by the holidays that you believe they’ll be miserable. This negative mindset can ultimately make you feel even worse. Rather than preparing for disaster, just take each moment — both good and bad — as it comes. 

3. Try something new!

Do you feel stressed about hosting your annual gingerbread house party or overwhelmed at the thought of preparing your Christmas Day meal? It’s okay to make new traditions. Ask a friend if they’d be willing to host the party or cater your family dinner this year. Create your own holiday spirit and magic!

4. Set your priorities.

If you don’t get your outdoor lights hung until December 24th (or at all!), it’s okay. The holidays can still be a special time of year without your homemade baked goods or over-the-top decorations. Give yourself some grace and opt to focus on what truly makes you happy. Savor the simple moments, like sipping hot cocoa out of your favorite mug or reading holiday books with your kids.

5. Connect with your loved ones.

Lean on your support system during this tough season. If you can’t meet in person, keep in touch via text or by phone. Acknowledging how you feel and speaking those emotions out loud often feels like taking a deep breath. A weight is lifted!

Additionally, know that you’re not alone: Many people struggle with sadness during the holidays, and you may play an integral role in lifting someone else out of a funk.

Are you experiencing more than the holiday blues? If so, it’s important to seek help.

If you’re at risk for depression or have experienced depression in the past, you need to be especially attentive as you face feelings of stress and anxiety. Know the risk factors as well as your triggers. Early treatment is most effective, so reach out to a mental health professional as soon as you sense a problem.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with balance and joy!

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS-S, today to schedule an appointment!

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